This project took three months, three redesigns, and three branding strategies.
Web content only
Mood board creation
100% use cloud storage
89% save photos
77% save documents
Cheap / Free
Heavy interface
Organizing files is hard
100% photos / videos
50% paper documents
78% files are not recoverable
Save photos
A lot of memory
Easy quick search
Grow blog audience
Finish his Degree
Write a book
Bad file organization
Not enough space
Uses a scanner
Access files 24/7
Paper trail backup
Career growth
Staying mobile
More personal time
Can't always access files
Messy folder structure
Too much paperwork
Simplicity was the key. For a logo, people liked familiar shapes like a cloud or a locker, and prefered a bright color for a pop.
too young
too happy
misleading background
is it a shopping site?
too careless
too millennial
misleading background
is it a travel site?
Since none of the stock images were working... I decided to design the graphics myself. I used Adobe Illustrator vector tool. Now it is unique and fits the product idea.
User liked the product idea
Paper documents need to be backed up
Branding. It needed to be straight forward.
Image choices should have been tested before creating a prototype
Finding an original idea that will satisfy stakeholders and users is hard
Competing with giants such as Google Drive looks challenging
Research results of how easily documents are lost
First impressions are THE ONLY impressions... no space for getting the branding wrong
More user testing
More preference testing
Get feedback on branding before prototyping
Know your user
Do more research
Test everything
DO NOT guess or assume
Pixel perfection