Making web and mobile sites accessible for people with disabilities and compliant with accessibility laws
Fixed over 20 components that appear on hundreds of pages across web and mobile.
15% of existing users and potential customers have some sort of disability
23% of disables customers (existing and potential) never go online
By 2060 the number of people 65 or older is expected to double to 98 million
90% of websites are inaccessible to people with disabilities who rely on assistive technology
98.1% of home pages had detectable WCAG 2 failures
By 2060 the number of people 65 or older is expected to double to 98 million
Accessibility lawsuits and litigation increased by as much as 181% in the US from 2017 to 2018
In 2020, digital accessibility lawsuits rose to over 3,500 cases, that's almost ten lawsuits filed every business day in the United States
New Accessibility laws published in 2023 require companies that do business in the state of NY to come up with a five-year accessibility fix plan
See, understand, fix and prevent such bugs, I needed to take multiple courses on web accessibility.
Attended multiple live usability sessions with real Amex customers with various disabilities, such as visual impairment, hearing difficulty/loss, and cognitive difficulties.
A third-party expert was appointed to identify accessibility bugs on all pages of Amex sites using automated testing. As a result, over 2000 pages that fell under my area of work were affected.
Weeded out multiple duplicates of errors
Created master document to track progress
Utilize shared knowledge between teams about same errors
Assign priority to all errors and start with the "High"s